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May 14, 2020

Spaceti Announces New Investment as It Helps Companies Cut Costs During the Pandemic

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 Spaceti has received a second investment totalling almost $5 million to expand its solutions and help corporations cut costs

Spaceti develops, produces, and markets technologies for the transparent use of offices and workspaces. In reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, the company presented a solution to limit infections in the workplace and offer people a safe environment when they return to work.

Using a mobile app, employees can reserve an empty meeting room of workspace far enough away from others. Spaceti analytics constantly monitor the space and provide hourly reports, allowing technologies to effectively manage the office’s capacity. Companies can use the collected data to correctly decide how many employees can be physically present in various spaces in order to maintain safe distances and how many people should continue to work remotely.

This social distancing service is supplemented by environmental analytics that monitor air quality, which is exceptionally important in terms of improving people’s health and reducing the spread of contagions; a key issue companies are facing as their employees return to work.

“When we evaluated feedback from clients and the market, we decided to focus on developing a solution that our customers could use every day. Over the long term, we’ve seen a trend towards more flexible workspaces and as a result, organizations are more interested in assuring transparency,” Spaceti Product Manager Jan Palouš said.

Spaceti financed its 2016 launch from its own resources, with the first investment of $ 1,1 million coming from Reflex Capital, Fast Forward, and Y&R a year later. In the four years since its founding, Spaceti has acquired a growing number of clients across Europe. In order to continue this expansion and development, it received a further investment of $ 3,8 million from Reflex Capital and Fast Forward, as well as lower tens of millions from new investors Lighthouse Ventures and Kamil Vacek.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has raised challenges and problems that few of us envisioned a few short months ago. I’m incredibly proud that Spaceti was able to quickly adjust both internally and to the new needs of our clients. The fact we were able to secure another investment during this uncertain and difficult time shows the trust our investors have in our team and our technologies. We are grateful for the investment and we believe it will help us recruit the best talent into our product and research teams that will help us realize our vision of creating the healthy and smart buildings of the future,” Spaceti CEO Max Verteletskyi said.

Spaceti’s technologies are comprised of software that analyses the indoor environment, a mobile app for people in the building, and our own proprietary IoT sensors. The Spaceti system provides our clients with a precise overview of the occupancy and intensity of use of individual workspaces, meeting rooms, and parking spaces. Besides occupancy, the system measures and analyses air quality, which is key for the comfort and health of the people in the building. This is all part of the recent larger trend to create a more flexible and transparent workplace.

“Before, the main trend in office buildings was investing into the design of the equipment and furniture. This is now changing. Clients are now realizing the value of technologies that allow them to cut costs as well as save people time and create a safe and healthy environment,” Verteletskyi added.





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